Build a Life Worth Living Through DBT & Counseling Services

We’re glad you’re here. Regardless of what you’ve experienced in the past, you’re now taking the first step towards discovering the help and hope that is available to you. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a mental health treatment based on these two truths: You’re doing your best, and change is possible. At The Oak Center, we’ll accept you as you are, and we’ll work with you to build a life worth living. We’ll do this by helping you develop the skills you need to approach life with wisdom, tolerate strong emotions, and connect with those around you.

For your accessibility and safety, we provide telehealth services in addition to in-person appointments. For more information about how The Oak Center is responding to the pandemic, please visit our Rates & Policies page.

Explore The Oak Center

Our Purpose

Learn more about The Oak Center‘s dedication to delivering the highest standard of mental health treatment.

Our Team

Learn more about The Oak Center’s team of highly-skilled therapists and our individual specialties.

Our Services

Learn more about how DBT works, who it will help, and what other counseling services we provide.